Diretrizes para o uso de meios de contraste intravenosos

Gadolinium Presence in Rat Skin: Assessment of Histopathologic Changes Associated with Small Fiber Neuropathy

AI-powered Hyperrealism: Next Step in Cinematic Rendering?

Comparing GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 Accuracy and Drift in Radiology Diagnosis Please Cases

Independent Evaluation of Commercial Diagnostic AI Solutions: A Necessary Step toward Increased Transparency

Comparison of Commercial AI Software Performance for Radiograph Lung Nodule Detection and Bone Age Prediction

Autoria: Kicky G. van Leeuwen, Steven Schalekamp, Matthieu J. C. M. Rutten, Merel Huisman, Cornelia M. Schaefer-Prokop, Maarten de Rooij, Bram van Ginneken, Bas Maresch, Bram H. J. Geurts, Cornelius F. van Dijke, Emmeline Laupman-Koedam, Enzo V. Hulleman, Eric L. Verhoeff, Evelyne M. J. Meys, Firdaus A. A. Mohamed Hoesein, Floor M. ter Brugge, Francois van Hoorn, Frank van der Wel, Inge A. H. van den Berk, Jacqueline M. Luyendijk, James Meakin, Jesse Habets, Jonathan I. M. L. Verbeke, Joost Nederend, Karlijn M. E. Meys, Laura N. Deden, Lucianne C. M. Langezaal, Mahtab Nasrollah, Marleen Meij, Martijn F. Boomsma, Matthijs Vermeulen, Myrthe M. Vestering, Onno Vijlbrief, Paul Algra, Selma Algra, Stijn M. Bollen, Tijs Samson, Yntor H. G. von Brucken Fock, Project AIR Working Group
Fonte: Radiology
Tipo: Publicação Científica | Formato: HTML | Idioma: Inglês | Acesso: Restrito | Ano: 2024
Palavras-chave: endocrinologia/ metabologia, idade óssea, inteligência artificial, pneumologia, radiografia analógica e digital, tecnologia da informação

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Quantitative Breast Parenchymal Enhancement to Predict Breast Cancer Recurrence

Assessment of Background Parenchymal Enhancement at Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MRI in Predicting Breast Cancer Recurrence Risk

Persistent Left Superior Vena Cava with Hemiazygos Continuation of Left Inferior Vena Cava